December, 1945 No caption available. Would you like to contribute one? |

December, 1945, HQ 20th Air Force My old hang-out which was officially closed this month.
That means I'm a man without an office. |

December, 1945, 20th AF HQ Area Repair shop for the 1600th car company mechanics. Located
near the old theater area. |

December, 1945, HQ 20th Air Force Ye Olde Clippe Joint where many an ear is lifted on each
day of duty. |

December, 1945 No caption available. Would you like to contribute one? |

December, 1945, Tumon Bay Area Even King Solomon couldn't have enjoyed life more than this
character was when the picture was taken. |

January, 1946, 20th AF HQ Two occupants of tent 6, Ave #1 relax in the court of the officers'
club. |

December, 1945, HQ 20th Air Force Hang out for "no vehicles today" (hard-hearted) Harry.
Dispatcher's office at the 1600 Car Co. |